

From the Executive Director & Head of Schools (11/1)

Hello Trinity family, Recently, Maryland Congressman Elijah Cummings passed away after having served Congress since 1996. When he gave his opening address, he recited a 54-word poem by Dr. Benjamin E. Mays. Mays, a pioneering civil rights leader and the president of Morehouse College during Martin Luther King Jr.’s education there. It read… I only […]

M.S. Volleyball Returns from Bremerton With Some Hardware.

Trinity A team fought hard and took 3rd out of 12 teams at the Bremerton Christian Classic Tournament. Trinity B team played well, won a few sets and got a great experience from the weekend!

From the Executive Director & Head of Schools

Hello Trinity family, Whenever I sign a letter or an email, my “signature” contains two phrases I have used for a long time. Neither is an original idea, but both are very meaningful to me. The first is “be God’s.” In September of 1997, the Christian singer/songwriter/musician Rich Mullins was killed in a traffic accident […]

Saints #1 Academic All-State Team

About This Award The OnPoint Community Credit Union Academic All-State Program recognizes outstanding achievement in the classroom. The boys and girls team in each OSAA-sanctioned activity with the highest team grade point average (G.P.A.) earns the Academic All-State Award. Each member of a winning team receives a commemorative decal and a certificate. The school receives a plaque […]

Trinity Lutheran School Welcomes New Executive Director and Head of Schools, Gregg Pinick!

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_single_image image=”4715″ img_size=”medium”][vc_btn title=”Gregg Pinick Bio” align=”left” link=”|||”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]We are excited and proud to announce that Gregg Pinick has accepted the Call to be Trinity’s Executive Director and Head of Schools.  We are looking forward to welcoming Gregg and his wife Melanie to the Trinity family. The Executive Director/Head of School is a new […]

2019 Bid for The Kids – Sustainable Campus Safety.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Here at Trinity, our partnership with our parents and community is a priority where safety and academic success come first. Over the last six years, we have worked to build into our campus and staff development an ongoing and intentional safety plan with a commitment to continuous improvement.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]We have identified three components that focus […]

Grandparents Day – What a blessing!

What is better than spending your school day with grandma or grandpa? We hope all our visitors felt loved, appreciated, and maybe had a little fun on this special day. Thank you to everyone who helped us put another successful Grandparents Day in the books!   [su_slider source=”media: 2092,2093,2095,2091,2106,2105,2104,2103,2102,2101,2100,2099,2098,2097,2096,2094″ limit=”29″ width=”400″ responsive=”no” title=”no” arrows=”no” pages=”no” […]